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VAPoR::VDCNetCDF Class Reference

Implements the VDC abstract class, providing storage of VDC data in NetCDF files. More...

#include <VDCNetCDF.h>

Inheritance diagram for VAPoR::VDCNetCDF:
VAPoR::VDC VAPoR::DC VetsUtil::MyBase

Public Member Functions

 VDCNetCDF (int numthreads=0, size_t master_theshold=10 *1024 *1024, size_t variable_threshold=100 *1024 *1024)
virtual ~VDCNetCDF ()
virtual int GetPath (string varname, size_t ts, string &path, size_t &file_ts, size_t &max_ts) const
virtual int GetDimLensAtLevel (string varname, int level, std::vector< size_t > &dims_at_level, vector< size_t > &bs_at_level) const
virtual int Initialize (const vector< string > &paths, AccessMode mode, size_t chunksizehint=0)
virtual int Initialize (string path, AccessMode mode, size_t chunksizehint=0)
size_t GetMasterThreshold () const
size_t GetVariableThreshold () const
int OpenVariableRead (size_t ts, string varname, int level=0, int lod=-1)
int CloseVariable ()
int OpenVariableWrite (size_t ts, string varname, int lod=-1)
int Write (const float *region)
int WriteSlice (const float *slice)
int Read (float *region)
int ReadSlice (float *slice)
int ReadRegion (const std::vector< size_t > &min, const std::vector< size_t > &max, float *region)
int ReadRegionBlock (const vector< size_t > &min, const vector< size_t > &max, float *region)
int PutVar (string varname, int lod, const float *data)
int PutVar (size_t ts, string varname, int lod, const float *data)
int GetVar (string varname, int level, int lod, float *data)
int GetVar (size_t ts, string varname, int level, int lod, float *data)
bool CompressionInfo (std::vector< size_t > bs, string wname, size_t &nlevels, size_t &maxcratio) const
virtual bool VariableExists (size_t ts, string varname, int reflevel=0, int lod=0) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from VAPoR::VDC
 VDC ()
virtual ~VDC ()
virtual int Initialize (const std::vector< string > &paths, AccessMode mode)
virtual int Initialize (const std::vector< string > &paths)
int SetCompressionBlock (std::vector< size_t > bs, string wname, std::vector< size_t > cratios)
void GetCompressionBlock (std::vector< size_t > &bs, string &wname, std::vector< size_t > &cratios) const
void SetPeriodicBoundary (std::vector< bool > periodic)
std::vector< bool > GetPeriodicBoundary () const
int DefineDimension (string dimname, size_t length, int axis)
bool GetDimension (string dimname, DC::Dimension &dimension) const
std::vector< string > GetDimensionNames () const
int DefineCoordVar (string varname, std::vector< string > dimnames, string units, int axis, XType type, bool compressed)
int DefineCoordVarUniform (string varname, std::vector< string > dimname, string units, int axis, XType type, bool compressed)
bool GetCoordVarInfo (string varname, std::vector< string > &dimnames, string &units, int &axis, XType &type, bool &compressed, bool &uniform) const
bool GetCoordVarInfo (string varname, DC::CoordVar &cvar) const
int DefineDataVar (string varname, std::vector< string > dimnames, std::vector< string > coordvars, string units, XType type, bool compressed)
int DefineDataVar (string varname, std::vector< string > dimnames, std::vector< string > coordvars, string units, XType type, double missing_value, string maskvar)
bool GetDataVarInfo (string varname, std::vector< string > &dimnames, std::vector< string > &coordvars, string &units, XType &type, bool &compressed, string &maskvar) const
bool GetDataVarInfo (string varname, DC::DataVar &datavar) const
bool GetBaseVarInfo (string varname, DC::BaseVar &var) const
virtual std::vector< string > GetDataVarNames () const
virtual std::vector< string > GetCoordVarNames () const
int GetNumRefLevels (string varname) const
int PutAtt (string varname, string attname, XType type, const vector< double > &values)
int PutAtt (string varname, string attname, XType type, const vector< long > &values)
int PutAtt (string varname, string attname, XType type, const string &values)
int GetAtt (string varname, string attname, vector< double > &values) const
int GetAtt (string varname, string attname, vector< long > &values) const
int GetAtt (string varname, string attname, string &values) const
std::vector< string > GetAttNames (string varname) const
XType GetAttType (string varname, string attname) const
virtual int GetMapProjection (string lonname, string latname, string &projstring) const
virtual int SetMapProjection (string lonname, string latname, string projstring)
int EndDefine ()
virtual int GetDimLensAtLevel (string varname, int level, std::vector< size_t > &dims_at_level, std::vector< size_t > &bs_at_level) const =0
virtual int ReadRegion (const vector< size_t > &min, const vector< size_t > &max, float *region)=0
virtual bool CompressionInfo (vector< size_t > bs, string wname, size_t &nlevels, size_t &maxcratio) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from VAPoR::DC
 DC ()
virtual ~DC ()
virtual int Initialize (const vector< string > &paths)=0
virtual bool GetDimension (string dimname, size_t &length, int &axis) const
virtual std::vector< string > GetDataVarNames (int ndim, bool spatial) const
virtual std::vector< string > GetCoordVarNames (int ndim, bool spatial) const
virtual bool IsTimeVarying (string varname) const
virtual bool IsCompressed (string varname) const
virtual int GetNumTimeSteps (string varname) const
virtual int GetCRatios (string varname, vector< size_t > &cratios) const
virtual bool IsDataVar (string varname) const
virtual bool IsCoordVar (string varname) const
virtual int GetMapProjection (string varname, string &projstring) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from VetsUtil::MyBase
 MyBase ()
const string & getClassName () const

Static Public Member Functions

static string GetDataDir (string path)
static bool DataDirExists (string path)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VAPoR::DC
static bool ParseDimensions (const vector< DC::Dimension > &dimensions, vector< size_t > &sdims, size_t &numts)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VetsUtil::MyBase
static void SetErrMsg (const char *format,...)
 Record a formatted error message. More...
static void SetErrMsg (int errcode, const char *format,...)
 Record a formatted error message and an error code. More...
static const char * GetErrMsg ()
static void SetErrCode (int err_code)
 Record an error code. More...
static int GetErrCode ()
 Retrieve the current error code. More...
static void SetErrMsgCB (ErrMsgCB_T cb)
static ErrMsgCB_T GetErrMsgCB ()
static void SetErrMsgFilePtr (FILE *fp)
static const FILE * SetErrMsgFilePtr ()
static void SetDiagMsg (const char *format,...)
 Record a formatted diagnostic message. More...
static const char * GetDiagMsg ()
static void SetDiagMsgCB (DiagMsgCB_T cb)
static DiagMsgCB_T GetDiagMsgCB ()
static void SetDiagMsgFilePtr (FILE *fp)
static bool EnableErrMsg (bool enable)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from VAPoR::VDC
enum  AccessMode { R, W, A }
- Public Types inherited from VAPoR::DC
enum  XType {
 External storage types for primitive data. More...
- Public Types inherited from VetsUtil::MyBase
typedef void(* ErrMsgCB_T) (const char *msg, int err_code)
typedef void(* DiagMsgCB_T) (const char *msg)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from VetsUtil::MyBase
static char * ErrMsg
static int ErrCode
static int ErrMsgSize
static FILE * ErrMsgFilePtr
static ErrMsgCB_T ErrMsgCB
static char * DiagMsg
static int DiagMsgSize
static FILE * DiagMsgFilePtr
static DiagMsgCB_T DiagMsgCB
static bool Enabled
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VetsUtil::MyBase
void SetClassName (const string &name)
- Protected Attributes inherited from VAPoR::VDC
string _master_path
AccessMode _mode
bool _defineMode
std::vector< size_t > _bs
string _wname
std::vector< size_t > _cratios
vector< bool > _periodic
VAPoR::UDUnits _udunits
std::map< string, Dimension_dimsMap
std::map< string, Attribute_atts
std::map< string, CoordVar_coordVars
std::map< string, DataVar_dataVars

Detailed Description

Implements the VDC abstract class, providing storage of VDC data in NetCDF files.

John Clyne
July, 2014

Implements the VDC abstract class, providing storage of VDC data in NetCDF files. Data (variables) are stored in multiple NetCDF files. The distribution of variables to files is described by GetPath().

Definition at line 27 of file VDCNetCDF.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::VDCNetCDF ( int  numthreads = 0,
size_t  master_theshold = 10 *1024 *1024,
size_t  variable_threshold = 100 *1024 *1024 

Class constructor

[in]numthreadsNumber of parallel execution threads to be run during encoding and decoding of compressed data. A value of 0, the default, indicates that the thread count should be determined by the environment in a platform-specific manner, for example using sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) under *nix OSes.
[in]master_thesholdVariables that are either compressed, or whose total number of elements are larger than master_theshold, will not be stored in the master file. Ignored if the file is open for appending or reading.
[in]variable_thresholdVariables not stored in the master file and whose total number of elements are larger than variable_threshold will be stored with one time step per file. Ignored if the file is open for appending or reading.
virtual VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::~VDCNetCDF ( )

Member Function Documentation

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::CloseVariable ( )

Close the currently opened variable

Close the handle for variable opened with OpenVariableWrite(), or OpenVariableRead()

See also
OpenVariableWrite(), OpenVariableRead()

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

bool VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::CompressionInfo ( std::vector< size_t >  bs,
string  wname,
size_t &  nlevels,
size_t &  maxcratio 
) const

This method computes and returns the depth (number of levels) in a a multi-resolution hierarch for a given wavelet, wname, and decomposition block, bs. It also computes the maximum compression ratio, cratio, possible for the the specified combination of block size, bs, and wavelet, wname. The maximum compression ratio is cratio:1.

[in]bsDimensions of native decomposition block. The rank of bs may be less than or equal to the rank of dims.
[in]wnamewavelet name. Empty string if no compression is to be performed.
[out]nlevelsNumber of levels in hierarchy
[out]maxcratioMaximum compression ratio
Return values
boolIf bs, wname, or the combination there of is invalid false is returned and the values of nlevels and maxcratio are undefined. Upon success true is returned.
static bool VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::DataDirExists ( string  path)

Return true if a data directory exists for the master file named by path

[in]pathPath to VDC master file
See also
Initialize(), GetPath(), GetDataDir();
static string VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::GetDataDir ( string  path)

Return path to the data directory

Return the file path to the data directory associated with the master file named by path. Data files, those NetCDF files containing coordinate and data variables, are stored in separate files from the VDC master file (See VDC::Initialize()). The data files reside under the directory returned by this command.

[in]pathPath to VDC master file
Return values
dir: Path to the data directory
See also
Initialize(), GetPath(), DataDirExists()
virtual int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::GetDimLensAtLevel ( string  varname,
int  level,
std::vector< size_t > &  dims_at_level,
vector< size_t > &  bs_at_level 
) const

Return a variable's dimension lengths at a specified refinement level

Compressed variables have a multi-resolution grid representation. This method returns the variable's ordered spatial and temporal dimension lengths, and block dimensions at the multiresolution refinement level specified by level.

If the variable named by varname is not compressed the variable's native dimensions are returned.

[in]varnameData or coordinate variable name.
[in]levelSpecifies a member of a multi-resolution variable's grid hierarchy as described above.
[out]dims_at_levelAn ordered vector containing the variable's dimensions at the specified refinement level
[out]bs_at_levelAn ordered vector containing the variable's block dimensions at the specified refinement level
Return values
statusZero is returned upon success, otherwise -1.
See also
VAPoR::VDC, DC::BaseVar::GetBS(), DC::BaseVar::GetDimensions()
size_t VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::GetMasterThreshold ( ) const

Return the master file size threshold

See also
VDCNetCDF::VDCNetCDF(), GetVariableThreshold()

Definition at line 131 of file VDCNetCDF.h.

virtual int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::GetPath ( string  varname,
size_t  ts,
string &  path,
size_t &  file_ts,
size_t &  max_ts 
) const

Return the path name and temporal offset for a variable

Data and coordinate variables in a VDC are in general distributed into multiple files. For example, for large variables only a single time step may be stored per file. This method returns the file path name, path, of the file containing varname at time step ts. Also returned is the integer time offset of the variable within path.

[in]varnameData or coordinate variable name.
[in]tsInteger offset relative to a variable's temporal dimension
[out]pathPath to file containing variable varname at time step ts.
[out]file_tsTemporal offset of variable varname in file path.
[out]max_tsMaximum number of time steps stored in path
Return values
statusA negative int is returned if varname or ts are invalid, or if the class object is in define mode.
If the size of a variable (total number of elements) is less than GetMasterThreshold() and the variable is not compressed it will be stored in the file master file. Otherwise, the variable will be stored in either the coordinate variable or data variable directory, as appropriate. Variables stored in coordinate or data directories are stored one variable per file. If the size of the variable is less than GetVariableThreshold() and the variable is time varying multiple time steps may be saved in a single file. If the variable is compressed each compression level is stored in a separate file.
See also
VDCNetCDF::VDCNetCDF(), GetMasterThreshold(), GetVariableThreshold()

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::GetVar ( string  varname,
int  level,
int  lod,
float *  data 

Read an entire variable in one call

This method reads and entire variable (all time steps, all grid points) from a VDC. This is the simplest interface for reading data from a VDC. If the variable is split across multiple files GetVar() ensures that the data are correctly gathered and assembled into memory Any variables currently opened with OpenVariableRead() are first closed. Thus variables need not be opened with OpenVariableRead() prior to calling GetVar();

It is an error to call this method in define mode

[in]varnameName of the variable to write
[in]levelRefinement level of the variable. Ignored if the variable is not compressed.
[in]lodApproximation level of the variable. A value of -1 indicates the maximum approximation level defined for the VDC. Ignored if the variable is not compressed.
[out]dataPointer to where data will be copied. It is the caller's responsbility to ensure data points to sufficient memory.
Return values
statusA negative int is returned on failure
See also

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::GetVar ( size_t  ts,
string  varname,
int  level,
int  lod,
float *  data 

Read an entire variable in one call

This method reads and entire variable (all time steps, all grid points) from a VDC. This is the simplest interface for reading data from a VDC. If the variable is split across multiple files GetVar() ensures that the data are correctly gathered and assembled into memory Any variables currently opened with OpenVariableRead() are first closed. Thus variables need not be opened with OpenVariableRead() prior to calling GetVar();

It is an error to call this method in define mode

[in]varnameName of the variable to write
[in]levelRefinement level of the variable. Ignored if the variable is not compressed.
[in]lodApproximation level of the variable. A value of -1 indicates the maximum approximation level defined for the VDC. Ignored if the variable is not compressed.
[out]dataPointer to where data will be copied. It is the caller's responsbility to ensure data points to sufficient memory.
Return values
statusA negative int is returned on failure
See also

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

size_t VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::GetVariableThreshold ( ) const

Return the variable size threshold

See also
VDCNetCDF::VDCNetCDF(), GetMasterThreshold()

Definition at line 137 of file VDCNetCDF.h.

virtual int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::Initialize ( const vector< string > &  paths,
AccessMode  mode,
size_t  chunksizehint = 0 

Initialize the VDCNetCDF class Initialize the VDC class

Prepare a VDC for reading or writing/appending. This method prepares the master VDC file indicated by path for reading or writing. The method should be called immediately after the constructor, before any other class methods. This method exists only because C++ constructors can not return error codes.

[in]pathA single element vector that specifies the name of file that contains, or will contain, the VDC master file for this data collection
[in]modeOne of R, W, or A, indicating whether path will be opened for reading, writing, or appending, respectively. When mode is A underlying NetCDF files will be opened opened with nc_open(path, NC_WRITE)). When mode is W NetCDF files will be created (opened with nc_create(path)). When mode is A additional time steps may be added to an existing file.
The parameter mode controls the access to the master file indicated by path and the variable data files in a somewhat unintuitive manner. If mode is R or A the master file path must already exist. If mode is A or W the contents of the VDC master may be changed (written) and the VDC is put into define mode until EndDefine() is called. While in define mode metadata that will be contained in the VDC master file may be changed, but coordinate and data variables may not be accessed (read or written). Similarly, when not in define mode coordinate and data variables may be accessed (read or written), but metadata in the VDC master may not be changed. See OpenVariableRead() and OpenVariableWrite() for discussion on how mode effects reading and writing of coordinate and data variables.
Return values
statusA negative int is returned on failure
See also
[in]chunksizehint: NetCDF chunk size hint. A value of zero results in NC_SIZEHINT_DEFAULT being used.
virtual int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::Initialize ( string  path,
AccessMode  mode,
size_t  chunksizehint = 0 

Definition at line 119 of file VDCNetCDF.h.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::OpenVariableRead ( size_t  ts,
string  varname,
int  level = 0,
int  lod = -1 

Open the named variable for reading

This method prepares a data or coordinate variable, indicated by a variable name and time step pair, for subsequent read operations by methods of this class. The value of the refinement levels parameter, level, indicates the resolution of the volume in the multiresolution hierarchy as described by GetDimLensAtLevel().

The level-of-detail parameter, lod, selects the approximation level. Valid values for lod are integers in the range 0..n-1, where n is returned by DC::BaseVar::GetCRatios().size(), or the value -1 may be used to select the best approximation available.

An error occurs, indicated by a negative return value, if the volume identified by the {varname, timestep, level, lod} tupple is not available. Note the availability of a volume can be tested with the VariableExists() method.

[in]tsTime step of the variable to read. This is the integer offset into the variable's temporal dimension. If the variable does not have a temporal dimension ts is ignored.
[in]varnameName of the variable to read
[in]levelRefinement level of the variable. Ignored if the variable is not compressed.
[in]lodApproximation level of the variable. A value of -1 indicates the maximum approximation level defined for the VDC. Ignored if the variable is not compressed.
Return values
statusReturns a non-negative value on success
See also
GetNumRefLevels(), DC::BaseVar::GetCRatios(), OpenVariableRead()

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::OpenVariableWrite ( size_t  ts,
string  varname,
int  lod = -1 

Open the named variable for writing

This method prepares a data or coordinate variable, indicated by a variable name and time step pair, for subsequent write operations by methods of this class.

The behavior of this method is impacted somewhat by the setting of the Initialize() mode parameter. Coordinate or data variable files may be written regardless of the mode setting. However, if mode is W the first time a coordinate or data file is written it will be created (opened with nc_create(path), for example) regareless of whether the file previously existed. If mode is A or R existing coordinate or data files will be opened for appending (e.g. opened with nc_open(path, NC_WRITE)). New files will be created (opened with nc_create(path)).

An error occurs, indicated by a negative return value, if the varible identified by the {varname, timestep, lod} tupple is not defined.

[in]tsTime step of the variable to read. This is the integer offset into the variable's temporal dimension. If the variable does not have a temporal dimension ts is ignored.
[in]varnameName of the variable to read
[in]lodApproximation level of the variable. A value of -1 indicates the maximum approximation level defined for the VDC. Ignored if the variable is not compressed.
Return values
statusReturns a non-negative value on success
See also
GetNumRefLevels(), DC::BaseVar::GetCRatios(), OpenVariableRead()

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::PutVar ( string  varname,
int  lod,
const float *  data 

Write an entire variable in one call

This method writes and entire variable (all time steps, all grid points) into a VDC. This is the simplest interface for writing data into a VDC. If the variable is split across multiple files PutVar() ensures that the data are correctly distributed. Any variables currently opened with OpenVariableWrite() are first closed. Thus variables need not be opened with OpenVariableWrite() prior to calling PutVar();

It is an error to call this method in define mode

[in]varnameName of the variable to write
[in]lodApproximation level of the variable. A value of -1 indicates the maximum approximation level defined for the VDC. Ignored if the variable is not compressed.
[in]dataPointer from where the data will be copied
Return values
statusA negative int is returned on failure
See also

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::PutVar ( size_t  ts,
string  varname,
int  lod,
const float *  data 

Write an entire variable in one call

This method writes and entire variable (all time steps, all grid points) into a VDC. This is the simplest interface for writing data into a VDC. If the variable is split across multiple files PutVar() ensures that the data are correctly distributed. Any variables currently opened with OpenVariableWrite() are first closed. Thus variables need not be opened with OpenVariableWrite() prior to calling PutVar();

It is an error to call this method in define mode

[in]varnameName of the variable to write
[in]lodApproximation level of the variable. A value of -1 indicates the maximum approximation level defined for the VDC. Ignored if the variable is not compressed.
[in]dataPointer from where the data will be copied
Return values
statusA negative int is returned on failure
See also

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::Read ( float *  region)

Read all spatial values of the currently opened variable

This method reads, and decompresses as necessary, the contents of the currently opened variable into the array data. The number of values read into data is given by the product of the spatial dimensions of the open variable at the refinement level specified.

It is the caller's responsibility to ensure data points to adequate space.

[out]dataAn array of data to be written
Return values
statusReturns a non-negative value on success
See also

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::ReadRegion ( const std::vector< size_t > &  min,
const std::vector< size_t > &  max,
float *  region 

Read in and return a subregion from the currently opened variable

This method reads and returns a subset of variable data. The min and max vectors, whose dimensions must match the spatial rank of the currently opened variable, identify the minimum and maximum extents, in grid coordinates, of the subregion of interest. The minimum and maximum valid values of an element of min or max are 0 and n-1, respectively, where n is the length of the associated dimension at the opened refinement level.

The region returned is stored in the memory region pointed to by region. It is the caller's responsbility to ensure adequate space is available.

[in]minMinimum region extents in grid coordinates
[in]maxMaximum region extents in grid coordinates
[out]regionThe requested volume subregion
Return values
statusReturns a non-negative value on success
See also
OpenVariableRead(), GetDimension(), GetDimensionNames()
int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::ReadRegionBlock ( const vector< size_t > &  min,
const vector< size_t > &  max,
float *  region 

Read in and return a blocked subregion from the currently opened variable.

This method is identical to ReadRegion() with the exceptions that for compressed variables:

  • The vectors start and count must be aligned with the underlying storage block of the variable. See DC::SetCompressionBlock()
  • The hyperslab copied to region will preserve its underlying storage blocking (the data will not be contiguous)

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::ReadSlice ( float *  slice)

Read a single slice of data from the currently opened variable

Decompress, as necessary, and read a single slice (2D array) of data from the variable indicated by the most recent call to OpenVariableRead(). The dimensions of a slices are NX by NY, where NX is the dimension of the array along the fastest varying spatial dimension, specified in grid points, and NY is the length of the second fastest varying dimension at the currently opened grid refinement level. See OpenVariableRead().

This method should be called exactly NZ times for each opened variable, where NZ is the dimension of third, and slowest varying dimension. In the case of a 2D variable, NZ is 1.

It is the caller's responsibility to ensure slice points to adequate space.

[out]sliceA 2D slice of data
Return values
statusReturns a non-negative value on success
See also

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

virtual bool VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::VariableExists ( size_t  ts,
string  varname,
int  reflevel = 0,
int  lod = 0 
) const

Returns true if indicated data volume is available

Returns true if the variable identified by the timestep, variable name, refinement level, and level-of-detail is present in the data set. Returns false if the variable is not available.

[in]tsA valid time step between 0 and GetNumTimesteps()-1
[in]varnameA valid variable name
[in]reflevelRefinement level requested.
[in]lodCompression level of detail requested. refinement level contained in the VDC.

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::Write ( const float *  region)

Write all spatial values to the currently opened variable

This method writes, and compresses as necessary, the contents of the array contained in data to the currently opened variable. The number of values written from data is given by the product of the spatial dimensions of the open variable.

[in]dataAn array of data to be written
Return values
statusReturns a non-negative value on success
See also

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

int VAPoR::VDCNetCDF::WriteSlice ( const float *  slice)

Write a single slice of data to the currently opened variable

Compress, and necessary, and write a single slice (2D array) of data to the variable indicated by the most recent call to OpenVariableWrite(). The dimensions of a slices are NX by NY, where NX is the dimension of the array along the fastest varying spatial dimension, specified in grid points, and NY is the length of the second fastest varying dimension at the currently opened refinement level. See OpenVariableWrite().

This method should be called exactly NZ times for each opened variable, where NZ is the dimension of third, and slowest varying dimension. In the case of a 2D variable, NZ is 1.

[in]sliceA 2D slice of data
Return values
statusReturns a non-negative value on success
See also

Implements VAPoR::VDC.

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