►NVAPoR | |
CAMRData | This class manages an Adaptive Mesh Refinement grid |
CAMRIO | Performs data IO to VDF files |
CAMRTree | This class manages an AMR tree data structure |
CAMRTreeBranch | This class manages an octree data structure |
CAnimationParams | A class that specifies parameters used in animation |
CBlkMemMgr | The VetsUtil BlkMemMgr class |
CBox | 3D or 2D box with options for orientation angles and extents changing in time. Intended to be used in any Params class |
CCompressor | A class for managing data set metadata |
CCopy2VDF | |
CDataMgr | A cache based data reader |
CDataMgrAMR | A cache based data reader |
CDataMgrFactory | |
CDataMgrGRIB | A cache based data reader |
CDataMgrICON | |
CDataMgrMOM | A cache based data reader |
CDataMgrMPAS | |
CDataMgrRAMSES | |
CDataMgrROMS | A cache based data reader |
CDataMgrWB | A cache based data reader |
CDataMgrWC | A cache based data reader |
CDataMgrWRF | A cache based data reader |
CDataStatus | A class for describing the currently loaded dataset |
CDCReader | ??? |
CDCReaderGRIB | |
CDCReaderMOM | ??? |
CDCReaderNCDF | ??? |
CDCReaderROMS | ??? |
CDCReaderWRF | ??? |
CEventRouter | A pure virtual class specifying the common properties of all the parameter tabs in the VAPOR GUI |
CExpatParseMgr | |
CExpatStackElement | |
CGeoUtil | Misc. utilities for operating on geographic coordinates |
CGLWindow | A class for performing OpenGL rendering in a VAPOR Visualizer |
CImpExp | A class for managing data set metadata |
CIsoControl | |
CKeyframe | |
CLayeredGrid | |
CLifting1D | Wrapper for Wim Swelden's Liftpack wavelet transform interface |
CMapperFunction | |
CMapperFunctionBase | |
CMatWaveBase | A base class for a Matlab-like wavelet bank |
CMatWaveDwt | Implements a single level wavelet filter |
CMatWaveWavedec | Implements a multi-level wavelet filter |
CMetadata | An abstract class for managing metadata for a collection of gridded data. The data collection may support two forms of data reduction: multi-resolution (a hierarchy of grids, each dimension a factor of two coarser than the preceeding), and level-of-detail (a sequence of one more compressions) |
CMetadataSpherical | A class for managing data set Spherical metadata |
CMetadataVDC | A class for managing data set metadata |
CNCBuf | |
CNetCDFCFCollection | Wrapper for a collection of netCDF files |
►CNetCDFCollection | Wrapper for a collection of netCDF files |
CDerivedVar | |
►CTimeVaryingVar | |
Ctvmap_t | |
►CNetCDFSimple | NetCDFSimple API interface |
CVariable | NetCDFSimple API interface |
►CParamNode | An Xml tree |
CDirtyFlag | |
CParams | A pure virtual class for managing parameters used in visualization |
CParamsBase | Nodes with state in Xml tree representation |
CParsedXml | |
CPipeLine | |
CProj4API | Wrapper for proj4 C API |
CRegionParams | A class for describing a 3D axis-aligned region in user space |
►CRegularGrid | |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CRenderer | A class that performs rendering in the GLWindow |
CRenderParams | A Params subclass for managing parameters used by Renderers |
CSignificanceMap | Implements a significance map |
CSphericalGrid | |
CStretchedGrid | |
CTransferFunction | |
CUDUnits | |
CVDCFactory | Creates a MetadaVDC object |
Cvdfcreate | |
►CVDFIOBase | Abstract base class for performing data IO to a VDC |
CBitMask | |
CViewpointParams | A class for describing the viewpoint and lights |
CVizWinMgr | A class for managing all visualizers |
CWaveCodecIO | A sub-region reader for VDF files |
CWaveFiltBase | A base class for wavelet family filters |
CWaveFiltBior | Biorthogonal spline family FIR filters |
CWaveFiltCoif | Coiflet family FIR filters |
CWaveFiltDaub | Daubechies family FIR filters |
CWaveFiltHaar | Haar FIR filters |
CWaveletBlock1D | A block-based, 1D wavelet transformer |
CWaveletBlock2D | A tile-based, 2D wavelet transformer |
CWaveletBlock3D | A block-based, 3D wavelet transformer |
CWaveletBlock3DBufReader | A slice-based reader for VDF files |
CWaveletBlock3DBufWriter | A slice-based reader for VDF files |
CWaveletBlock3DReader | A slab reader for VDF files |
CWaveletBlock3DRegionReader | A sub-region reader for VDF files |
CWaveletBlock3DRegionWriter | A subregion write for VDC files |
CWaveletBlock3DWriter | A slab writer for VDF files |
CWaveletBlockIOBase | Performs data IO to VDF files |
CWeightTable | |
CWrf2vdf | |
Cwrfvdfcreate | |
CXmlNode | An Xml tree |
►NVetsUtil | |
CBase64 | |
CEasyThreads | |
CMyBase | VetsUtil base class |
►COptionParser | |
C_DPOption | |
C_EnvOpt | |
C_OptDescRec | An option description record (odr) |
C_OptRec | |
CDimension2D_ | |
CDimension3D_ | |
CIntRange_ | |
CVersion | |
CLayeredGrid | This class implements a 2D or 3D layered grid: a generalization of a regular grid where the spacing of grid points along a single dimension may vary at each grid point. The spacing along the remaining one (2D case) or two (3D case) dimensions is invariant between grid points. For example, if K is the layered dimension than the z coordinate is given by some function f(i,j,k): |
CRegularGrid | This class implements a 2D or 3D regular grid: a tessellation of Euculidean space by rectangles (2D) or parallelpipeds (3D). Each grid point can be addressed by an index(i,j,k), where i, a and k range from 0 to dim - 1, where dim is the dimension of the I, J, or K axis, respectively. Moreover, each grid point has a coordinate in a user-defined coordinate system given by (i * dx, j * dy, k * dz) for some real numbers dx, dy, and dz representing the grid spacing |
CSphericalGrid | This class implements a 2D or 3D spherical grid: a generalization of a regular grid where the spacing of grid points along a single dimension may vary at each grid point. The spacing along the remaining one (2D case) or two (3D case) dimensions is invariant between grid points. For example, if K is the spherical dimension than the z coordinate is given by some function f(i,j,k): |
CStretchedGrid | This class implements a 2D or 3D stretched grid: a generalization of a regular grid where the spacing of grid points along each dimension may vary along the dimension. I.e. the coordinates along each dimension are a function of the dimension index. E.g. x = x(i), for some monotonically increasing function x(i) |
CVersion | Return version information |