A cache based data reader. More...
#include <DataMgrWB.h>
Public Member Functions | |
DataMgrWB (const string &metafile, size_t mem_size) | |
DataMgrWB (const MetadataVDC &metadata, size_t mem_size) | |
virtual | ~DataMgrWB () |
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DataMgr (size_t mem_size) | |
virtual | ~DataMgr () |
virtual void | GetDim (size_t dim[3], int reflevel=0) const |
int | GetNumTransforms () const |
virtual vector< size_t > | GetCRatios () const |
virtual string | GetCoordSystemType () const |
virtual string | GetGridType () const |
virtual vector< double > | GetExtents (size_t ts=0) |
virtual long | GetNumTimeSteps () const |
virtual string | GetMapProjection () const |
virtual vector< string > | GetVariableNames () const |
virtual vector< string > | GetVariables3D () const |
virtual vector< string > | GetVariables2DXY () const |
virtual vector< string > | GetVariables2DXZ () const |
virtual vector< string > | GetVariables2DYZ () const |
virtual vector< string > | GetCoordinateVariables () const |
virtual vector< long > | GetPeriodicBoundary () const |
virtual vector< long > | GetGridPermutation () const |
virtual double | GetTSUserTime (size_t ts) const |
virtual void | GetTSUserTimeStamp (size_t ts, string &s) const |
virtual RegularGrid * | GetGrid (size_t ts, string varname, int reflevel, int lod, const size_t min[3], const size_t max[3], bool lock=false) |
void | UnlockGrid (const RegularGrid *rg) |
int | UnlockRegion (const float *) |
void | Clear () |
int | GetDataRange (size_t ts, const char *varname, float range[2], int reflevel=0, int lod=0) |
int | GetValidRegion (size_t ts, const char *varname, int reflevel, size_t min[3], size_t max[3]) |
virtual int | VariableExists (size_t ts, const char *varname, int reflevel=0, int lod=0) |
bool | BestMatch (size_t ts, const char *varname, int req_reflevel, int req_lod, int &reflevel, int &lod) |
int | NewPipeline (PipeLine *pipeline) |
void | RemovePipeline (string name) |
bool | IsVariableDerived (string varname) const |
bool | IsVariableNative (string varname) const |
virtual VarType_T | GetVarType (const string &varname) const |
bool | GetMissingValue (string varname, float &value) const |
void | PurgeVariable (string varname) |
virtual void | MapUserToVox (size_t timestep, const double vcoord0[3], size_t vcoord1[3], int reflevel=0, int lod=0) |
virtual void | MapVoxToUser (size_t timestep, const size_t vcoord0[3], double vcoord1[3], int ref_level=0, int lod=0) |
virtual void | GetEnclosingRegion (size_t ts, const double minu[3], const double maxu[3], size_t min[3], size_t max[3], int reflevel=0, int lod=0) |
virtual bool | IsCoordinateVariable (string varname) const |
void | PrintCache (std::ostream &o) |
void | SetInterpolationOrder (int order) |
int | GetInterpolationOrder () const |
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MyBase () | |
const string & | getClassName () const |
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WaveletBlock3DRegionReader (const MetadataVDC &metadata) | |
WaveletBlock3DRegionReader (const string &metafile) | |
virtual | ~WaveletBlock3DRegionReader () |
virtual int | OpenVariableRead (size_t timestep, const char *varname, int reflevel=0, int lod=0) |
virtual int | OpenVariableWrite (size_t, const char *, int=0, int=0) |
virtual int | CloseVariable () |
virtual int | ReadRegion (const size_t min[3], const size_t max[3], float *region) |
virtual int | ReadRegion (float *region) |
virtual int | BlockReadRegion (const size_t bmin[3], const size_t bmax[3], float *region, bool unblock=true) |
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WaveletBlockIOBase (const MetadataVDC &metadata) | |
WaveletBlockIOBase (const string &metafile) | |
virtual | ~WaveletBlockIOBase () |
virtual int | VariableExists (size_t ts, const char *varname, int reflevel=0, int lod=0) const |
virtual int | BlockWriteRegion (const float *region, const size_t bmin[3], const size_t bmax[3], bool block=true) |
virtual int | WriteRegion (const float *region, const size_t min[3], const size_t max[3]) |
virtual int | WriteRegion (const float *region) |
virtual int | WriteSlice (const float *slice) |
virtual int | ReadSlice (float *slice) |
int | GetBlockMins (const float **mins, int reflevel) |
int | GetBlockMaxs (const float **maxs, int reflevel) |
void | Tile2NonTile (const float *blk, const size_t bcoord[2], const size_t min[2], const size_t max[2], VarType_T vtype, float *voxels) const |
void | Block2NonBlock (const float *blk, const size_t bcoord[3], const size_t min[3], const size_t max[3], float *voxels) const |
virtual const float * | GetDataRange () const |
void | GetValidRegion (size_t min[3], size_t max[3], int reflevel) const |
virtual void | GetDim (size_t dim[3], int reflevel=0) const |
virtual void | GetDimBlk (size_t bdim[3], int reflevel=0) const |
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VDFIOBase (const MetadataVDC &metadata) | |
VDFIOBase (const string &metafile) | |
virtual | ~VDFIOBase () |
double | GetReadTimer () const |
double | GetSeekTimer () const |
void | SeekTimerReset () |
void | SeekTimerStart () |
void | SeekTimerStop () |
double | GetWriteTimer () const |
double | GetXFormTimer () const |
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MetadataVDC (const size_t dim[3], size_t numTransforms, const size_t bs[3], int nFilterCoef=1, int nLiftingCoef=1, int msbFirst=1, int vdfVersion=VDF_VERSION) | |
MetadataVDC (const size_t dim[3], const size_t bs[3], const vector< size_t > &cratios, string wname, string wmode) | |
MetadataVDC (const string &metafile) | |
MetadataVDC (const MetadataVDC &node) | |
virtual | ~MetadataVDC () |
int | Merge (const MetadataVDC &metadata, size_t ts=0) |
int | Merge (const string &path, size_t ts=0) |
int | MakeCurrent () const |
const string & | GetParentDir () const |
const string & | GetMetafileName () const |
const string & | GetDataDirName () const |
int | ConstructFullVBase (size_t ts, const string &var, string *path) const |
int | ConstructFullAuxBase (size_t ts, string *path) const |
int | Write (const string &path, int relative_path=1) |
virtual const size_t * | GetBlockSize () const |
virtual void | GetBlockSize (size_t bs[3], int) const |
virtual void | GetGridDim (size_t dim[3]) const |
const size_t * | GetDimension () const |
int | GetFilterCoef () const |
int | GetLiftingCoef () const |
virtual int | GetNumTransforms () const |
int | GetMSBFirst () const |
int | GetVDFVersion () const |
string | GetWaveName () const |
string | GetBoundaryMode () const |
virtual vector< size_t > | GetCRatios () const |
int | GetVDCType () const |
int | SetGridType (const string &value) |
string | GetGridType () const |
int | IsValidGridType (const string &value) const |
int | SetCoordSystemType (const string &value) |
string | GetCoordSystemType () const |
int | IsValidCoordSystemType (const string &value) const |
int | SetExtents (const vector< double > &value) |
vector< double > | GetExtents (size_t ts=0) const |
int | IsValidExtents (const vector< double > &value) const |
int | SetNumTimeSteps (long value) |
long | GetNumTimeSteps () const |
int | IsValidTimeStep (long value) const |
int | SetVariableNames (const vector< string > &value) |
int | SetVariables3D (const vector< string > &value) |
vector< string > | GetVariables3D () const |
vector< string > | GetCoordinateVariables () const |
int | SetCoordinateVariables (const vector< string > &value) |
int | SetVariables2DXY (const vector< string > &value) |
int | SetVariables2DXZ (const vector< string > &value) |
int | SetVariables2DYZ (const vector< string > &value) |
vector< string > | GetVariables2DXY () const |
vector< string > | GetVariables2DXZ () const |
vector< string > | GetVariables2DYZ () const |
int | SetComment (const string &value) |
string | GetComment () const |
int | SetPeriodicBoundary (const vector< long > &value) |
vector< long > | GetPeriodicBoundary () const |
int | SetGridPermutation (const vector< long > &value) |
int | SetMissingValue (double value) |
int | SetMissingValue () |
vector< double > | GetMissingValue () const |
vector< long > | GetGridPermutation () const |
int | SetMapProjection (const string &value) |
virtual string | GetMapProjection () const |
int | SetTSUserTime (size_t ts, const vector< double > &value) |
double | GetTSUserTime (size_t ts) const |
int | SetTSUserTimeStamp (size_t ts, const string &s) |
void | GetTSUserTimeStamp (size_t ts, string &s) const |
string | GetTSAuxBasePath (size_t ts) const |
int | HasTSUserTime (size_t ts) const |
int | IsValidUserTime (const vector< double > &value) const |
int | SetTSXCoords (size_t ts, const vector< double > &value) |
vector< double > | GetTSXCoords (size_t ts) const |
int | SetTSYCoords (size_t ts, const vector< double > &value) |
vector< double > | GetTSYCoords (size_t ts) const |
int | SetTSZCoords (size_t ts, const vector< double > &value) |
vector< double > | GetTSZCoords (size_t ts) const |
int | SetTSComment (size_t ts, const string &value) |
Set a comment for the time step indicated by ts . More... | |
string | GetTSComment (size_t ts) const |
Return the comment for the indicated time step, ts , if it exists. More... | |
int | SetTSExtents (size_t ts, const vector< double > &value) |
vector< double > | GetTSExtents (size_t ts) const |
int | SetTSMissingValue (size_t ts, double v) |
vector< double > | GetTSMissingValue (size_t ts) const |
Returns the time-varying missing value, if any. More... | |
int | SetVComment (size_t ts, const string &var, const string &value) |
string | GetVComment (size_t ts, const string &var) const |
string | GetVBasePath (size_t ts, const string &var) const |
int | SetVBasePath (size_t ts, const string &var, const string &value) |
int | SetVDataRange (size_t ts, const string &var, const vector< double > &value) |
vector< double > | GetVDataRange (size_t ts, const string &var) const |
int | IsValidVDataRange (const vector< double > &value) const |
int | SetVMissingValue (size_t ts, const string &var, double v) |
vector< double > | GetVMissingValue (size_t ts, const string &var) const |
vector< string > | GetUserDataLongTags () const |
int | SetUserDataLong (const string &tag, const vector< long > &value) |
vector< long > | GetUserDataLong (const string &tag) const |
vector< string > | GetUserDataDoubleTags () const |
int | SetUserDataDouble (const string &tag, const vector< double > &value) |
vector< double > | GetUserDataDouble (const string &tag) const |
vector< string > | GetUserDataStringTags () const |
int | SetUserDataString (const string &tag, const string &value) |
string | GetUserDataString (const string &tag) const |
int | SetUserDataStringVec (const string &tag, const vector< string > &value) |
vector< string > | GetUserDataStringVec (const string &tag) const |
vector< string > | GetTSUserDataLongTags () const |
int | SetTSUserDataLong (size_t ts, const string &tag, const vector< long > &value) |
vector< long > | GetTSUserDataLong (size_t ts, const string &tag) const |
int | SetTSUserDataDouble (size_t ts, const string &tag, const vector< double > &value) |
vector< double > | GetTSUserDataDouble (size_t ts, const string &tag) const |
vector< string > | GetTSUserDataDoubleTags () const |
int | SetTSUserDataString (size_t ts, const string &tag, const string &value) |
string | GetTSUserDataString (size_t ts, const string &tag) const |
vector< string > | GetTSUserDataStringTags () const |
vector< string > | GetVUserDataLongTags () const |
int | SetVUserDataLong (size_t ts, const string &var, const string &tag, const vector< long > &value) |
vector< long > | GetVUserDataLong (size_t ts, const string &var, const string &tag) const |
vector< string > | GetVUserDataDoubleTags () const |
int | SetVUserDataDouble (size_t ts, const string &var, const string &tag, const vector< double > &value) |
vector< double > | GetVUserDataDouble (size_t ts, const string &var, const string &tag) const |
int | SetVUserDataString (size_t ts, const string &var, const string &tag, const string &value) |
string | GetVUserDataString (size_t ts, const string &var, const string &tag) const |
vector< string > | GetVUserDataStringTags () const |
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Metadata () | |
virtual | ~Metadata () |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | GetVariableNames () const |
virtual void | GetTSUserTimeStamp (size_t ts, std::string &s) const =0 |
virtual bool | GetMissingValue (std::string varname, float &value) const |
virtual void | MapVoxToBlk (const size_t vcoord[3], size_t bcoord[3], int reflevel=-1) const |
virtual void | MapVoxToUser (size_t timestep, const size_t vcoord0[3], double vcoord1[3], int ref_level=0) const |
void | MapUserToVox (size_t timestep, const double vcoord0[3], size_t vcoord1[3], int reflevel) const |
virtual VarType_T | GetVarType (const std::string &varname) const |
virtual int | IsValidRegion (const size_t min[3], const size_t max[3], int reflevel=0) const |
virtual int | IsValidRegionBlk (const size_t min[3], const size_t max[3], int reflevel=0) const |
virtual bool | IsCoordinateVariable (std::string varname) const |
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virtual | ~ParsedXml () |
virtual bool | charHandler (ExpatParseMgr *, const XML_Char *, int) |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | _GetDim (size_t dim[3], int reflevel) const |
virtual void | _GetBlockSize (size_t bs[3], int reflevel) const |
virtual int | _GetNumTransforms () const |
virtual string | _GetCoordSystemType () const |
virtual string | _GetGridType () const |
virtual vector< double > | _GetExtents (size_t ts) const |
virtual vector< double > | _GetTSXCoords (size_t ts) const |
virtual vector< double > | _GetTSYCoords (size_t ts) const |
virtual vector< double > | _GetTSZCoords (size_t ts) const |
virtual long | _GetNumTimeSteps () const |
virtual string | _GetMapProjection () const |
virtual vector< string > | _GetVariables3D () const |
virtual vector< string > | _GetVariables2DXY () const |
virtual vector< string > | _GetVariables2DXZ () const |
virtual vector< string > | _GetVariables2DYZ () const |
virtual vector< string > | _GetCoordinateVariables () const |
virtual vector< long > | _GetPeriodicBoundary () const |
virtual vector< long > | _GetGridPermutation () const |
virtual double | _GetTSUserTime (size_t ts) const |
virtual void | _GetTSUserTimeStamp (size_t ts, string &s) const |
virtual int | _VariableExists (size_t ts, const char *varname, int reflevel=0, int lod=0) const |
virtual int | _OpenVariableRead (size_t timestep, const char *varname, int reflevel=0, int lod=0) |
virtual void | _GetValidRegion (size_t min[3], size_t max[3], int reflevel) const |
virtual const float * | _GetDataRange () const |
virtual int | _BlockReadRegion (const size_t bmin[3], const size_t bmax[3], float *region) |
virtual int | _CloseVariable () |
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virtual vector< size_t > | _GetCRatios () const |
virtual bool | _GetMissingValue (string varname, float &value) const |
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void | SetClassName (const string &name) |
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void | _GetDataRange (float[2]) const |
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int | seekBlocks (unsigned int offset, int reflevel=0) |
int | seekLambdaBlocks (const size_t bcoord[3]) |
int | seekGammaBlocks (const size_t bcoord[3], int reflevel) |
int | readBlocks (size_t n, float *blks, int reflevel) |
int | readLambdaBlocks (size_t n, float *blks) |
int | readGammaBlocks (size_t n, float *blks, int reflevel) |
int | writeBlocks (const float *blks, size_t n, int reflevel) |
int | writeLambdaBlocks (const float *blks, size_t n) |
int | writeGammaBlocks (const float *blks, size_t n, int reflevel) |
virtual void | _GetValidRegion (size_t minreg[3], size_t maxreg[3]) const |
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void | _ReadTimerReset () |
void | _ReadTimerStart () |
void | _ReadTimerStop () |
void | _WriteTimerReset () |
void | _WriteTimerStart () |
void | _WriteTimerStop () |
void | _XFormTimerReset () |
void | _XFormTimerStart () |
void | _XFormTimerStop () |
int | _MaskOpenWrite (size_t timestep, string varname, int reflevel) |
int | _MaskOpenRead (size_t timestep, string varname, int reflevel) |
int | _MaskClose () |
int | _MaskWrite (const float *srcblk, const size_t bmin_p[3], const size_t bmax_p[3], bool block) |
int | _MaskRead (const size_t bmin_p[3], const size_t bmax_p[3]) |
void | _MaskRemove (float *blk, bool &valid_data) const |
void | _MaskReplace (size_t bx, size_t by, size_t bz, float *blk) const |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | VarType_T { VARUNKNOWN = -1, VAR3D, VAR2D_XY, VAR2D_XZ, VAR2D_YZ } |
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typedef void(* | ErrMsgCB_T) (const char *msg, int err_code) |
typedef void(* | DiagMsgCB_T) (const char *msg) |
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enum | VarType_T { VARUNKNOWN = -1, VAR3D, VAR2D_XY, VAR2D_XZ, VAR2D_YZ } |
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static void | SetErrMsg (const char *format,...) |
Record a formatted error message. More... | |
static void | SetErrMsg (int errcode, const char *format,...) |
Record a formatted error message and an error code. More... | |
static const char * | GetErrMsg () |
static void | SetErrCode (int err_code) |
Record an error code. More... | |
static int | GetErrCode () |
Retrieve the current error code. More... | |
static void | SetErrMsgCB (ErrMsgCB_T cb) |
static ErrMsgCB_T | GetErrMsgCB () |
static void | SetErrMsgFilePtr (FILE *fp) |
static const FILE * | SetErrMsgFilePtr () |
static void | SetDiagMsg (const char *format,...) |
Record a formatted diagnostic message. More... | |
static const char * | GetDiagMsg () |
static void | SetDiagMsgCB (DiagMsgCB_T cb) |
static DiagMsgCB_T | GetDiagMsgCB () |
static void | SetDiagMsgFilePtr (FILE *fp) |
static bool | EnableErrMsg (bool enable) |
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ParsedXml * | previousClass |
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static char * | ErrMsg |
static int | ErrCode |
static int | ErrMsgSize |
static FILE * | ErrMsgFilePtr |
static ErrMsgCB_T | ErrMsgCB |
static char * | DiagMsg |
static int | DiagMsgSize |
static FILE * | DiagMsgFilePtr |
static DiagMsgCB_T | DiagMsgCB |
static bool | Enabled |
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static void | _UnpackCoord (VarType_T vtype, const size_t src[3], size_t dst[3], size_t fill) |
static void | _PackCoord (VarType_T vtype, const size_t src[3], size_t dst[3], size_t fill) |
static void | _FillPackedCoord (VarType_T vtype, const size_t src[3], size_t dst[3], size_t fill) |
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const vector< string > | emptyVec |
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int | _reflevel |
size_t | _timeStep |
string | _varName |
float * | _super_block |
float * | _super_tile |
VarType_T | _vtype |
WaveletBlock2D * | _wb2dXY |
WaveletBlock2D * | _wb2dXZ |
WaveletBlock2D * | _wb2dYZ |
WaveletBlock3D * | _wb3d |
float * | _mins3d [MAX_LEVELS] |
float * | _maxs3d [MAX_LEVELS] |
float * | _mins2d [MAX_LEVELS] |
float * | _maxs2d [MAX_LEVELS] |
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bool | _deprecated_get_dim |
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static const int | MAX_LEVELS = 16 |
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static const string | _stringType |
static const string | _longType |
static const string | _doubleType |
static const string | _typeAttr |
A cache based data reader.
This class provides a wrapper to the WaveletBlock3DRegionReader() and WaveletBlock2DRegionReader() classes that includes a memory cache. Data regions read from disk through this interface are stored in a cache in main memory, where they may be be available for future access without reading from disk.
Definition at line 31 of file DataMgrWB.h.
VAPoR::DataMgrWB::DataMgrWB | ( | const string & | metafile, |
size_t | mem_size | ||
) |
VAPoR::DataMgrWB::DataMgrWB | ( | const MetadataVDC & | metadata, |
size_t | mem_size | ||
) |
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 46 of file DataMgrWB.h.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Read in and return a subregion from the currently opened multiresolution data volume.
The dimensions of the region are provided in block coordinates. However, the returned region is not blocked.
[in] | bmin | Minimum region extents in block coordinates |
[in] | bmax | Maximum region extents in block coordinates |
[out] | region | The requested volume subregion |
status | Returns a non-negative value on success |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 166 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::WaveletBlock3DRegionReader::BlockReadRegion().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Close the currently opened variable.
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 175 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::WaveletBlock3DRegionReader::CloseVariable().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the internal blocking factor at a given refinement level
For multi-resolution data this method returns the dimensions of a data block at refinement level reflevel
, where reflevel is in the range 0 to GetNumTransforms(). A value of -1 may be specified to indicate the maximum refinement level. In fact, any value outside the valid refinement level range will be treated as the maximum refinement level.
[in] | reflevel | Refinement level |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 58 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetBlockSize().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the names of the coordinate variables.
This method returns a three-element vector naming the X, Y, and Z coordinate variables, respectively. The special name "NONE" indicates that a coordinate variable name does not exist for a particular dimension.
vector | is three-element vector of coordinate variable names. |
Reimplemented from VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 112 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetCoordinateVariables().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the coordinate system type. One of cartesian or spherical
type |
Reimplemented from VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 66 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetCoordSystemType().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the data range for the currently open variable
The method returns the minimum and maximum data values, respectively, for the variable currently opened. If the variable is not opened, or if it is opened for writing, the results are undefined.
Reimplemented from VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 161 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::WaveletBlockIOBase::GetDataRange().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Get the dimension of a volume
Returns the X,Y,Z coordinate dimensions of all data variables in grid (voxel) coordinates at the resolution level indicated by reflevel
. Hence, all variables of a given type (3D or 2D) must have the same dimension. If reflevel
is -1 (or the value returned by GetNumTransforms()) the native grid resolution is returned. In fact, any value outside the valid range is treated as the maximum refinement level
[in] | reflevel | Refinement level of the variable |
[out] | dim | A three element vector (ordered X, Y, Z) containing the voxel dimensions of the data at the specified resolution. |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 54 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::WaveletBlockIOBase::GetDim().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the domain extents specified in user coordinates
Return the domain extents specified in user coordinates for the indicated time step. Variables in the data have spatial positions defined in a user coordinate system. These positions may vary with time. This method returns min and max bounds, in user coordinates, of all variables at a given time step.
[in] | ts | A valid data set time step in the range from zero to GetNumTimeSteps() - 1. If ts is out of range, GetExtents() will return a reasonable default value. |
extents | A six-element array containing the min and max bounds of the data domain in user-defined coordinates. The first three elements specify the minimum X, Y, and Z bounds, respectively, the second three elements specify the maximum bounds. |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 74 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetExtents().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return a three-element integer array indicating the coordinate ordering permutation.
integer-vector |
Reimplemented from VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 120 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetGridPermutation().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the grid type. One of regular, stretched, block_amr, or spherical
type |
Reimplemented from VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 70 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetGridType().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the Proj4 map projection string.
value | An empty string if a Proj4 map projection is not available, otherwise a properly formatted Proj4 projection string is returned. |
Reimplemented from VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 94 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetMapProjection().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the number of time steps in the data collection
value | The number of time steps |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 90 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetNumTimeSteps().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return number of transformations in hierarchy
For multi-resolution data this method returns the number of coarsened approximations present. If no approximations are available - if only the native data are present - the return value is 0.
n | The number of coarsened data approximations available |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 62 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetNumTransforms().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return a three-element boolean array indicating if the X,Y,Z axes have periodic boundaries, respectively.
boolean-vector |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 116 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetPeriodicBoundary().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the time for a time step
This method returns the time, in user-defined coordinates, associated with the time step, ts
. Variables such as velocity field components that are expressed in distance per units of time are expected to use the same time coordinates as the values returned by this mehtod.
[in] | ts | A valid data set time step in the range from zero to GetNumTimeSteps() - 1. |
value | The user time at time step ts . If ts is outside the valid range zero is returned. |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 124 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetTSUserTime().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the time for a time step
This method returns the user time, associated with the time step, ts
, as a formatted string. The returned time stamp is intended to be used for annotation purposes
[in] | ts | A valid data set time step in the range from zero to GetNumTimeSteps() - 1. |
[out] | s | A formated time string. If ts is outside the valid range zero the empty string is returned. |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 128 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetTSUserTimeStamp().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the X dimension coordinate array, if it exists
For stretched grids, _GetGridType() == "stretched", this method returns the X component of the grid user coordinates. This method is only called for stretched grids.
value | An array of monotonically changing values specifying the X dimension user coordinates, in a user-defined coordinate system, of each YZ sample plane. An empty vector is returned if the coordinate dimension array is not defined for the specified time step. |
Reimplemented from VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 78 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetTSXCoords().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the Y dimension coordinate array, if it exists
Reimplemented from VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 82 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetTSYCoords().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the Z dimension coordinate array, if it exists
Reimplemented from VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 86 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetTSZCoords().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the valid bounds of the currently opened region
The data model permits the storage of volume subregions. This method may be used to query the valid domain of the currently opened volume. Results are returned in voxel coordinates, relative to the refinement level indicated by reflevel
[out] | min | A pointer to the minimum bounds of the subvolume |
[out] | max | A pointer to the maximum bounds of the subvolume |
[in] | reflevel | Refinement level of the variable. A value of -1 indicates the maximum refinment level defined for the VDC |
status | Returns a negative value if the volume is not opened for reading. |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 153 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::WaveletBlockIOBase::GetValidRegion().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the names of the 2D, XY variables in the collection
value | is a space-separated list of 2D XY variable names An emptry string is returned if no variables of this type are present |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 102 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetVariables2DXY().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the names of the 2D, XZ variables in the collection
value | is a space-separated list of 2D ZY variable names An emptry string is returned if no variables of this type are present |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 105 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetVariables2DXZ().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Return the names of the 2D, YZ variables in the collection
value | is a space-separated list of 2D YZ variable names An emptry string is returned if no variables of this type are present |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 108 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetVariables2DYZ().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
value | is a space-separated list of 3D variable names. An emptry string is returned if no variables of this type are present |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 98 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::MetadataVDC::GetVariables3D().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Open the named variable for reading
This method prepares the multi-resolution, multi-lod data volume, indicated by a variable name and time step pair, for subsequent read operations by methods of this class. Furthermore, the number of the refinement level parameter, reflevel
indicates the resolution of the volume in the multiresolution hierarchy, and the lod
parameter indicates the level of detail.
The valid range of values for reflevel
is [0..max_refinement], where max_refinement
is the maximum finement level of the data set: GetNumTransforms(). A value of zero indicates the coarsest resolution data, a value of max_refinement
indicates the finest resolution data.
The valid range of values for lod
is [0..max_lod], where max_lod
is the maximum lod of the data set: GetCRatios().size() - 1. A value of zero indicates the highest compression ratio, a value of max_lod
indicates the lowest compression ratio.
An error occurs, indicated by a negative return value, if the volume identified by the {varname, timestep, reflevel, lod} tupple is not present on disk. Note the presence of a volume can be tested for with the VariableExists() method.
[in] | timestep | Time step of the variable to read |
[in] | varname | Name of the variable to read |
[in] | reflevel | Refinement level of the variable. A value of -1 indicates the maximum refinment level defined for the VDC |
[in] | lod | Level of detail requested. A value of -1 indicates the lowest compression level available for the VDC |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 142 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::WaveletBlock3DRegionReader::OpenVariableRead().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Returns true if indicated data volume is available
Returns true if the variable identified by the timestep, variable name, refinement level, and level-of-detail is present in the data set. Returns 0 if the variable is not present.
[in] | ts | A valid time step between 0 and GetNumTimesteps()-1 |
[in] | varname | A valid variable name |
[in] | reflevel | Refinement level requested. The coarsest refinement level is 0 (zero). A value of -1 indicates the finest refinement level contained in the VDC. |
[in] | lod | Compression level of detail requested. The coarsest approximation level is 0 (zero). A value of -1 indicates the finest refinement level contained in the VDC. |
Implements VAPoR::DataMgr.
Definition at line 132 of file DataMgrWB.h.
References VAPoR::WaveletBlockIOBase::VariableExists().