VAPoR  0.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAMRDataThis class manages an Adaptive Mesh Refinement grid
 CAMRIOPerforms data IO to VDF files
 CAMRTreeThis class manages an AMR tree data structure
 CAMRTreeBranchThis class manages an octree data structure
 CAnimationParamsA class that specifies parameters used in animation
 CBlkMemMgrThe VetsUtil BlkMemMgr class
 CBox3D or 2D box with options for orientation angles and extents changing in time. Intended to be used in any Params class
 CCompressorA class for managing data set metadata
 CDataMgrA cache based data reader
 CDataMgrAMRA cache based data reader
 CDataMgrGRIBA cache based data reader
 CDataMgrMOMA cache based data reader
 CDataMgrROMSA cache based data reader
 CDataMgrWBA cache based data reader
 CDataMgrWCA cache based data reader
 CDataMgrWRFA cache based data reader
 CDataStatusA class for describing the currently loaded dataset
 CEventRouterA pure virtual class specifying the common properties of all the parameter tabs in the VAPOR GUI
 CGeoUtilMisc. utilities for operating on geographic coordinates
 CGLWindowA class for performing OpenGL rendering in a VAPOR Visualizer
 CImpExpA class for managing data set metadata
 CLifting1DWrapper for Wim Swelden's Liftpack wavelet transform interface
 CMatWaveBaseA base class for a Matlab-like wavelet bank
 CMatWaveDwtImplements a single level wavelet filter
 CMatWaveWavedecImplements a multi-level wavelet filter
 CMetadataAn abstract class for managing metadata for a collection of gridded data. The data collection may support two forms of data reduction: multi-resolution (a hierarchy of grids, each dimension a factor of two coarser than the preceeding), and level-of-detail (a sequence of one more compressions)
 CMetadataSphericalA class for managing data set Spherical metadata
 CMetadataVDCA class for managing data set metadata
 CNetCDFCFCollectionWrapper for a collection of netCDF files
 CNetCDFCollectionWrapper for a collection of netCDF files
 CNetCDFSimpleNetCDFSimple API interface
 CParamNodeAn Xml tree
 CParamsA pure virtual class for managing parameters used in visualization
 CParamsBaseNodes with state in Xml tree representation
 CProj4APIWrapper for proj4 C API
 CRegionParamsA class for describing a 3D axis-aligned region in user space
 CRendererA class that performs rendering in the GLWindow
 CRenderParamsA Params subclass for managing parameters used by Renderers
 CSignificanceMapImplements a significance map
 CVDCFactoryCreates a MetadaVDC object
 CVDFIOBaseAbstract base class for performing data IO to a VDC
 CViewpointParamsA class for describing the viewpoint and lights
 CVizWinMgrA class for managing all visualizers
 CWaveCodecIOA sub-region reader for VDF files
 CWaveFiltBaseA base class for wavelet family filters
 CWaveFiltBiorBiorthogonal spline family FIR filters
 CWaveFiltCoifCoiflet family FIR filters
 CWaveFiltDaubDaubechies family FIR filters
 CWaveFiltHaarHaar FIR filters
 CWaveletBlock1DA block-based, 1D wavelet transformer
 CWaveletBlock2DA tile-based, 2D wavelet transformer
 CWaveletBlock3DA block-based, 3D wavelet transformer
 CWaveletBlock3DBufReaderA slice-based reader for VDF files
 CWaveletBlock3DBufWriterA slice-based reader for VDF files
 CWaveletBlock3DReaderA slab reader for VDF files
 CWaveletBlock3DRegionReaderA sub-region reader for VDF files
 CWaveletBlock3DRegionWriterA subregion write for VDC files
 CWaveletBlock3DWriterA slab writer for VDF files
 CWaveletBlockIOBasePerforms data IO to VDF files
 CXmlNodeAn Xml tree
 CMyBaseVetsUtil base class
 CLayeredGridThis class implements a 2D or 3D layered grid: a generalization of a regular grid where the spacing of grid points along a single dimension may vary at each grid point. The spacing along the remaining one (2D case) or two (3D case) dimensions is invariant between grid points. For example, if K is the layered dimension than the z coordinate is given by some function f(i,j,k):
 CRegularGridThis class implements a 2D or 3D regular grid: a tessellation of Euculidean space by rectangles (2D) or parallelpipeds (3D). Each grid point can be addressed by an index(i,j,k), where i, a and k range from 0 to dim - 1, where dim is the dimension of the I, J, or K axis, respectively. Moreover, each grid point has a coordinate in a user-defined coordinate system given by (i * dx, j * dy, k * dz) for some real numbers dx, dy, and dz representing the grid spacing
 CSphericalGridThis class implements a 2D or 3D spherical grid: a generalization of a regular grid where the spacing of grid points along a single dimension may vary at each grid point. The spacing along the remaining one (2D case) or two (3D case) dimensions is invariant between grid points. For example, if K is the spherical dimension than the z coordinate is given by some function f(i,j,k):
 CStretchedGridThis class implements a 2D or 3D stretched grid: a generalization of a regular grid where the spacing of grid points along each dimension may vary along the dimension. I.e. the coordinates along each dimension are a function of the dimension index. E.g. x = x(i), for some monotonically increasing function x(i)
 CVersionReturn version information