This is the complete list of members for VAPoR::VDCNetCDF, including all inherited members.
_atts | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_bs | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_coordVars | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_cratios | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_dataVars | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_defineMode | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_dimsMap | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_master_path | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_mode | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_periodic | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_udunits | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
_wname | VAPoR::VDC | protected |
A enum value | VAPoR::VDC | |
AccessMode enum name | VAPoR::VDC | |
CloseVariable() | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
CompressionInfo(std::vector< size_t > bs, string wname, size_t &nlevels, size_t &maxcratio) const | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | |
VAPoR::VDC::CompressionInfo(vector< size_t > bs, string wname, size_t &nlevels, size_t &maxcratio) const =0 | VAPoR::VDC | pure virtual |
DataDirExists(string path) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | static |
DC() | VAPoR::DC | inline |
DefineCoordVar(string varname, std::vector< string > dimnames, string units, int axis, XType type, bool compressed) | VAPoR::VDC | |
DefineCoordVarUniform(string varname, std::vector< string > dimname, string units, int axis, XType type, bool compressed) | VAPoR::VDC | |
DefineDataVar(string varname, std::vector< string > dimnames, std::vector< string > coordvars, string units, XType type, bool compressed) | VAPoR::VDC | |
DefineDataVar(string varname, std::vector< string > dimnames, std::vector< string > coordvars, string units, XType type, double missing_value, string maskvar) | VAPoR::VDC | |
DefineDimension(string dimname, size_t length, int axis) | VAPoR::VDC | |
DiagMsg | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
DiagMsgCB | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
DiagMsgCB_T typedef | VetsUtil::MyBase | |
DiagMsgFilePtr | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
DiagMsgSize | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
DOUBLE enum value | VAPoR::DC | |
Enabled | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
EnableErrMsg(bool enable) | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
EndDefine() | VAPoR::VDC | |
ErrCode | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
ErrMsg | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
ErrMsgCB | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
ErrMsgCB_T typedef | VetsUtil::MyBase | |
ErrMsgFilePtr | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
ErrMsgSize | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
FLOAT enum value | VAPoR::DC | |
GetAtt(string varname, string attname, vector< double > &values) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
GetAtt(string varname, string attname, vector< long > &values) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
GetAtt(string varname, string attname, string &values) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
GetAttNames(string varname) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
GetAttType(string varname, string attname) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
GetBaseVarInfo(string varname, DC::BaseVar &var) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
getClassName() const | VetsUtil::MyBase | inline |
GetCompressionBlock(std::vector< size_t > &bs, string &wname, std::vector< size_t > &cratios) const | VAPoR::VDC | |
GetCoordVarInfo(string varname, std::vector< string > &dimnames, string &units, int &axis, XType &type, bool &compressed, bool &uniform) const | VAPoR::VDC | |
GetCoordVarInfo(string varname, DC::CoordVar &cvar) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
GetCoordVarNames() const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
VAPoR::DC::GetCoordVarNames(int ndim, bool spatial) const | VAPoR::DC | virtual |
GetCRatios(string varname, vector< size_t > &cratios) const | VAPoR::DC | virtual |
GetDataDir(string path) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | static |
GetDataVarInfo(string varname, std::vector< string > &dimnames, std::vector< string > &coordvars, string &units, XType &type, bool &compressed, string &maskvar) const | VAPoR::VDC | |
GetDataVarInfo(string varname, DC::DataVar &datavar) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
GetDataVarNames() const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
VAPoR::DC::GetDataVarNames(int ndim, bool spatial) const | VAPoR::DC | virtual |
GetDiagMsg() | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
GetDiagMsgCB() | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
GetDimension(string dimname, DC::Dimension &dimension) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
VAPoR::DC::GetDimension(string dimname, size_t &length, int &axis) const | VAPoR::DC | virtual |
GetDimensionNames() const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
GetDimLensAtLevel(string varname, int level, std::vector< size_t > &dims_at_level, vector< size_t > &bs_at_level) const | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
VAPoR::VDC::GetDimLensAtLevel(string varname, int level, std::vector< size_t > &dims_at_level, std::vector< size_t > &bs_at_level) const =0 | VAPoR::VDC | pure virtual |
GetErrCode() | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
GetErrMsg() | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
GetErrMsgCB() | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
GetMapProjection(string lonname, string latname, string &projstring) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
VAPoR::DC::GetMapProjection(string varname, string &projstring) const | VAPoR::DC | virtual |
GetMasterThreshold() const | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | inline |
GetNumRefLevels(string varname) const | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
GetNumTimeSteps(string varname) const | VAPoR::DC | virtual |
GetPath(string varname, size_t ts, string &path, size_t &file_ts, size_t &max_ts) const | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
GetPeriodicBoundary() const | VAPoR::VDC | inline |
GetVar(string varname, int level, int lod, float *data) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
GetVar(size_t ts, string varname, int level, int lod, float *data) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
GetVariableThreshold() const | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | inline |
Initialize(const vector< string > &paths, AccessMode mode, size_t chunksizehint=0) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
Initialize(string path, AccessMode mode, size_t chunksizehint=0) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | inlinevirtual |
VAPoR::VDC::Initialize(const std::vector< string > &paths, AccessMode mode) | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
VAPoR::VDC::Initialize(const std::vector< string > &paths) | VAPoR::VDC | inlinevirtual |
VAPoR::DC::Initialize(const vector< string > &paths)=0 | VAPoR::DC | pure virtual |
INT32 enum value | VAPoR::DC | |
INT64 enum value | VAPoR::DC | |
INVALID enum value | VAPoR::DC | |
IsCompressed(string varname) const | VAPoR::DC | virtual |
IsCoordVar(string varname) const | VAPoR::DC | inlinevirtual |
IsDataVar(string varname) const | VAPoR::DC | inlinevirtual |
IsTimeVarying(string varname) const | VAPoR::DC | virtual |
MyBase() | VetsUtil::MyBase | |
OpenVariableRead(size_t ts, string varname, int level=0, int lod=-1) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
OpenVariableWrite(size_t ts, string varname, int lod=-1) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
ParseDimensions(const vector< DC::Dimension > &dimensions, vector< size_t > &sdims, size_t &numts) | VAPoR::DC | static |
PutAtt(string varname, string attname, XType type, const vector< double > &values) | VAPoR::VDC | |
PutAtt(string varname, string attname, XType type, const vector< long > &values) | VAPoR::VDC | |
PutAtt(string varname, string attname, XType type, const string &values) | VAPoR::VDC | |
PutVar(string varname, int lod, const float *data) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
PutVar(size_t ts, string varname, int lod, const float *data) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
R enum value | VAPoR::VDC | |
Read(float *region) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
ReadRegion(const std::vector< size_t > &min, const std::vector< size_t > &max, float *region) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | |
VAPoR::VDC::ReadRegion(const vector< size_t > &min, const vector< size_t > &max, float *region)=0 | VAPoR::VDC | pure virtual |
ReadRegionBlock(const vector< size_t > &min, const vector< size_t > &max, float *region) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
ReadSlice(float *slice) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
SetClassName(const string &name) | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlineprotected |
SetCompressionBlock(std::vector< size_t > bs, string wname, std::vector< size_t > cratios) | VAPoR::VDC | |
SetDiagMsg(const char *format,...) | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
SetDiagMsgCB(DiagMsgCB_T cb) | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
SetDiagMsgFilePtr(FILE *fp) | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
SetErrCode(int err_code) | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
SetErrMsg(const char *format,...) | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
SetErrMsg(int errcode, const char *format,...) | VetsUtil::MyBase | static |
SetErrMsgCB(ErrMsgCB_T cb) | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
SetErrMsgFilePtr(FILE *fp) | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
SetErrMsgFilePtr() | VetsUtil::MyBase | inlinestatic |
SetMapProjection(string lonname, string latname, string projstring) | VAPoR::VDC | virtual |
SetPeriodicBoundary(std::vector< bool > periodic) | VAPoR::VDC | inline |
TEXT enum value | VAPoR::DC | |
VariableExists(size_t ts, string varname, int reflevel=0, int lod=0) const | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
VDC() | VAPoR::VDC | |
VDCNetCDF(int numthreads=0, size_t master_theshold=10 *1024 *1024, size_t variable_threshold=100 *1024 *1024) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | |
W enum value | VAPoR::VDC | |
Write(const float *region) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
WriteSlice(const float *slice) | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |
XType enum name | VAPoR::DC | |
~DC() | VAPoR::DC | inlinevirtual |
~VDC() | VAPoR::VDC | inlinevirtual |
~VDCNetCDF() | VAPoR::VDCNetCDF | virtual |