vdfedit - Edit the contents of a VAPOR .vdf file


vdfedit [options] vdffile


vdfedit allows simple editing operations to be performed on a VAPOR Data Collection (VDC) metafile, vdffile. vdfedit does not in any way change the contents of the numerical solution data in a VDC; it only permits the contents of the parent .vdf file to be modified. Note, that the newly edited metafile will overwrite the original metafile (a backup of the original file is saved to vdffile.bak). In general, it is not possible to change the name of a .vdf file without changing the name of the data directory associated with the .vdf file.


-addvars3d <list>

A colon delimited list of 3D variable names to be added to the .vdf file.

-addvars2dxy <list>

A colon delimited list of 2D, XY-plane variable names to be added to the .vdf file.

-addvars2dxz <list>

A colon delimited list of 2D, XZ-plane variable names to be added to the .vdf file.

-addvars2dyz <list>

A colon delimited list of 2D, YZ-plane variable names to be added to the .vdf file.

-delvars <list>

A colon delimited list variable names to be deleted from the .vdf file. The type of variable (e.g. 3D, 2DXY, 2DXZ) is not relevant.

-addts <n>

Add n time steps to the .vdf file, where n is an integer. If n is less than zero, n time steps are deleted. If n is greater than zero, n time steps are added. If n is zero the file is unchanged.

-timeincr <delta>

This option specifies the increment, delta, between time steps to be used when calculating the UserTime VDF keyword. delta is a floating point number. The default value is 1.0.

-mapprojection <"proj_string">

This option specifies a map projection using a PROJ projection string. This string must be enclosed in quotes, and consists of several keyword/value pairs of the form "+key=value". The full set of PROJ key/value pairs can be found at the PROJ wiki . For example, a Cylindrical Equidistant projection on a spherical earth is specified as "+proj=eqc +ellps=WGS84". VAPOR supports Lambert conformal conic, Mercator, Longitude/Latitude, and polar stereographic projections. vdfedit does not validate the PROJ string for correctness.


Print a usage statement and then exit.


The command

vdfedit -addvars3d U:V:W -addts 10 file.vdf

will add the 3D variables U, V, and W to the .vdf file file.vdf. It will also increase the number of time steps by 10.



An Overview of VAPOR Data Collections


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