flashvdfcreate - Generate a VDF metadata file for a Flash AMR data set


flashvdfcreate [options] flash_hdf_file... vdffile


flashvdfcreate generates a .vdf metafile that will define a VAPOR Data Collection (VDC) suitable for containing Flash AMR simulation outputs. One or more Flash AMR hdf5 files are used as templates for generating vdffile. Versions 2 and 3 of Flash are supported.


-numts <number>

Maximum number of VDC time steps. By default the number of time steps defined in vdffile is the number of Flash files provided on the command line. This option can be used increase that number. Note, however, that the associated UserTime for time steps created in this manner is calculated as ts * deltat, where <ts> is the offset from 0 to numts - 1, and deltat is as described below.

-deltat <number>

Time between successive time steps in user-defnied units. This option specifies a uniform, floating point sampling interval between successive time steps. The option is ignored if the -numts option is not present.

-vars3d <vars>

A colon-delimited list of names of 3D variables (as they appear in the Flash file) to include in the .vdf file.

-level <level>

The maximum refinement level allowed in the AMR hierarchy. By default the maximum refinement level is determined by the Flash lrefine_max parameter. This option, if present, will limit the maximum refinement to level.

-comment <string>

A comment to be placed in the .vdf file.


Print a usage statement and then exit.


The command

    flashvdfcreate -vars3d velx:vely:velz flash1 flash2 flash3 mydata.vdf

will construct a VDF file, mydata.vdf that will contain the velx, vely, and velz variable names for three time steps found in the Flash hdf4 files flash1, flash2, and flash3.




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