gribcreate - Generate a VDF metadata file for a GRIB data set


gribvdfcreate [options] grib_files... vdffile


gribvdfcreate generates a .vdf metafile that defines a VAPOR Data Collection (VDC) suitable for containing simulation output from GRIMs models. All of the model output GRIB filenames must be provided on the command line, followed the desired VAPOR (.vdf) output file name.


-vars <vars>

A colon-delimited list of names of 2D and 3D (spatial) data variables to include in the .vdf file. In general, the list of variables should be a subset of the data variables found in the GRIB input files. If this option is not present the default behavior is to generate the list of variables from all of the 2D and 3D (spatial) variables found in any of the GRIMs GRIB input files.

-level <level>

See vdfcreate.

-comment <string>

See vdfcreate.

-bs <NXxNYxNZ>

See vdfcreate.

-wname <wave_name>

This option is for VDC2 only, see vdfcreate.

-cratios <vector>

This option is for VDC2 only, see vdfcreate.


Print a usage statement and then exit.


The command

    gribvdfcreate -vars u:v:time gribFile1 gribFile2 gribFile3 mydata.vdf

will construct a VDF file, mydata.vdf that will contain the u, v, and temp variable names for all time steps found in the MOM netCDF files gribFile1, gribFile2, and gribFile3.


vdfcreate, grib2vdf,

Conversion of GRIB datafiles to a VAPOR VDC


Last updated on $Date$