wrf2vdf - Transform WRF netCDF data into a VDC


wrf2vdf [options] vdffile wrf_ncdf_file...


wrf2vdf reads 3D and 2D variables from one ore more WRF netCDF file, wavelet transforms the data, and stores it in the VDC associated with the .vdf file vdffile.


-varnames <vars>

Variables to convert. A colon delimited list of the 3D and 2D variables you wish to transform, as their names appear in the .vdf file, vdffile. The variable ELEVATION will always be converted (unless the -noelev option is present). The default is all 3D and 2D variables defined in both the .vdf file and the WRF netCDF file.

-numts <number>

Specify the maximum number of time steps to convert. After converting number time steps, no further processing will take place.


Specifies that no ELEVATION variable will be generated. This option is useful for adding variables to a VDC when the ELEVATION variable has already been calculated, or if the WRF NetCDF files do not contain PH and PHB

-level <level>

See raw2vdf

-lod <n>

See raw2vdf (VDC2 only).


Print a usage statement and then exit.


Operate quietly, only reporting fatal errors.


The command

    wrf2vdf mydata.vdf wrfout1.ncdf wrfout2.ncdf wrfout3.ncdf 

transforms all of the variables at all of the time steps found in the WRF netCDF files wfout1.ncdf, wrfout2.ncdf, and wrfout3.ncdf that match the variable names and time stamps found in mydata.vdf.

The command

    wrf2vdf -vars3d U:V:W mydata.vdf wrfout1.ncdf wrfout2.ncdf wrfout3.ncdf 

is similar to the above example except that the variables are limited to the three 3D wind components, U, V, and W.


wrfvdfcreate, ncdf2vdf, raw2vdf

Conversion of WRF-ARW datafiles to a VAPOR VDC


Last updated on $Date$