grib2vdf - Transform GRIB data into a VDC


grib2vdf [options] grib_file... vdffile


grib2vdf reads 3D and 2D (spatial) variables from one or more GRIB files, wavelet transforms the data, and stores it in the VDC associated with the .vdf file vdffile.


-vars <vars>

Variables to convert. A colon delimited list of the 3D and 2D variables you wish to transform. Their names must appear in the .vdf file, vdffile. The default is to convert all 3D and 2D (spatial) variables defined in both the .vdf file and the GRIBfiles.

-level <level>

See raw2vdf

-lod <n>

See raw2vdf (VDC2 only).


Print a usage statement and then exit.


Operate quietly, only reporting fatal errors.


The command

    grib2vdf gribFile1 gribFile2 gribFile3 mydata.vdf 

transforms all of the variables at all of the time steps found in the GRIB files gribFile1, gribFile2, and gribFile3 that match the variable names and time stamps found in mydata.vdf.

The command

    grib2vdf -varnames u:v:w gribFile1 gribFile2 mydata.vdf 

is similar to the above example except that the converted variables are limited to the three velocity components, u, v, and w.


gribvdfcreate, ncdf2vdf, raw2vdf

Conversion of MOM or POP datafiles to a VAPOR VDC


Last updated on $Date$