flashamr2vdf - Transform Flash AMR hdf5 data into a VDC


flashamr2vdf [options] vdffile flash_hdf_file...


flashamr2vdf reads 3D variables from one ore more Flash hdf5 files, and stores it in the VAPOR Data Collection (VDC) associated with the .vdf file vdffile.


-varnames <vars>

Variables to convert. A colon delimited list of the 3D variables you wish to transform, as their names appear in the .vdf file, vdffile. The default is all 3D variables defined in both the .vdf file and the Flash hdf5 file.

-level <level<gt>

Specify the maximum AMR hierarchy refinement level saved. By default the maximum refinement level is determined by the contents of the .vdf file. This option may be used to limit the maximum refinement level stored in the VDC.

-ts <ts<gt>

Specify the time step offset for the first Flash file found on the command line. The time step offset for subsequent Flash files are determined by incrementing the value of ts. By default the time step of a Flash file is determined by matching the value of the time parameter found in the file with the values of the .vdf metafile's b<UserTime> parameter.


Include the special derived variable, refine_level. This variable is created by assigning to each cell sample the refinment level of the maximimally refined cell containing the sample point.


Print a usage statement and then exit.


Operate quietly, only reporting fatal errors.


The command

    flashamr2vdf mydata.vdf flash1 flash2 flash3

transforms all of the variables at the three time steps found in the Flash hdf5 files flash1, flash2, and flash3 that match the variable names and time stamps found in mydata.vdf.


flashvdfcreate, ncdf2vdf, raw2vdf


Last updated on $Date$