cart2layer - Insert a Cartesian-gridded variable into a layered VDC


cart2layer [options] vdffile Cartesian_data_file


cart2layer reads a 3D Cartesian grid of data from disk, and inserts it into an existing layered (eg. WRF) VDC. This is useful, for example, when one needs to visualize Cartesian data from an external source in the same 3D space as WRF output. This application was developed in order to facilitate 3D visualization of radar data with WRF output data.

The Cartesian data volume must be stored on disk as a contiguous array of unformatted binary floating point values (32bit precision) The x- and y-dimensions of the raw data volume must match those specified in vdffile. The z dimension of the raw data grid is specified with the -zlevels options.


-ts <n>

The -ts option specifies the integer time step of the data volume. The default value is 0, which corresponds to the first allowable time step in a VDC.

-zlevels <num>

This option specifies the vertical dimension of the Cartesian grid. This is required.

-varname <name>

This option specifies the name of the variable that the raw data volume corresponds to. The name must match a 3D variable name in the VDF indicated by vdffile. If the variable does not already exist in the VDC, it can be added with the application vdfedit.

-maxz <ztop>

This option specifies the z-coordinate, in user coordinates, corresponding to the top plane of the Cartesian grid. This value defaults to 1.0.

-minz <zbot>

This option specifies the z-coordinate, in user coordinates, corresponding to the bottom plane of the Cartesian grid. This value defaults to 0.0.

-missval <val>

This option specifies the value used to identify missing data in the source Cartesian grid. It defaults to -999.0. Points in the source data that match this value will be mapped to the value specified by the -missout option.

-missout <val>

This option specifies the value that will be assigned to the VDC variable at points in the layered grid corresponding to missing values from the Cartesian data grid. It defaults to -999.0.

-topval <val>

This option specifies the value that will be assigned to the VDC variable at points above the top layer of the Cartesian grid. It defaults to -999.0.

-botval <val>

This option specifies the value that will be assigned to the VDC variable at points below the bottom layer of the Cartesian grid. It defaults to -999.0.


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The command

cart2layer -ts 0 -varname dens -zlevels 45 -minz 0 -maxz 10000 foo.vdf dens.raw

would transform the volume stored in the file dens.raw and write it into the VDC associated with the foo.vdf VDF file. The time step and variable would be 0 and dens, respectively. The Cartesian grid is of height 45, and is uniformly spaced vertically from height 0 to height 10000 in the user coordinates of the VDC. The variable dens will be assigned the value -999.0 at points above and below the Cartesian grid extents.


wrfvdfcreate, vdfcreate, vdfedit.


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